World Prison Break Energy Vlog

8 months ago

World Prison Break Energy Vlog title is from the Wisdom of the hidden realm oracle card Prison and the dat April 9, 2024 thus 21 the universe of World card a completion of the hero's Journey we are moving on up to a new space faring n world joining the Universe federation of light.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news shows us two amplitudes . the first is a power of 42 at 3:00 AM UTC thus, the Empress as the Earth Mother blesses the Lovers union. The next amplitude power iof 17 at 12:15 PM UTC thus, we have the Taurus Moon and Star faring humans. The quaklity is a power of 24 thus the lover card with its intuitions and harmonious relationships in its highest form it also can be about a betrayal or political partnership. The frequency average is 7.85 hertz thus # 20 The Judgement card making a clarion call to wake the dead; the judgement of an age like Pisces age going to Aquarius age.
Therefore, we can say about it all is: The Universe calls out the lovers fo the world to share their lkove as we come to the end of the piscden age and move into a space faring age. We pulled two card form the Wisdom of the hidden realms oracle deck they are: The Prison card don't self sabotage yourself, Free your mind and see a bright new future full of abundance. the second card is The Keeper of the scales , balance and fair as justice should be.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure new site:
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Gary Mckennon clip on youtube:

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