11 months ago

Yogisms. Lindsay appeared on 60 MINUTES, Sunday, April 07, 2024
Yogi Berra's granddaughter.
They caught the professional thief who stole Yogi's world series champion rings.
The jerk ended up melting them down and made a whopping $12K. IDIOT!
Anyway, I know someone who knows someone who once said, "Believe me, it's OVER! Let's go". LOL!

"Lawdy" was his childhood nickname, for Lawrence Peter ...
This is more of a personal post.

My favorite: It was a very hot day, when Yogi met the Govenor's (or Mayor's) wife at the latter's home for some special celebration (or fund raiser?).
When she greeted them (him and wife Carmen) at the door, seeing he was wearing a golf blazer, she said, "My, Yogi! You sure look COOL!"
Yogi responded, "Ya don't look so HOT, yourself." 🤭🤣

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