Gut Health, Autoimmune Disease, and Lab Testing | Webinar June 29, 2021

9 months ago

On Tuesday June 29, 2021, IHN hosted a 1 hour webinar with Brett Hawes where we asked, how would you like to learn to better help your autoimmune clients by incorporating functional lab testing? We joined Brett to learn how to fuse gut health, lab testing, and holistic nutrition to improve autoimmune client outcomes. Autoimmune disease is a collective term that includes over 120 different diseases. Due to the chronic and complex nature, autoimmune disease presents unique challenges for practitioners. Functional nutrition interventions can uncover and resolve the root causes of virtually all autoimmune disease, as well as help move clients out of symptom-management and into remission.

You Will Learn:
- What is autoimmune disease and how is it diagnosed?
- The 5 root causes of all autoimmune disease
- Why gut health must be your #1 focus
- What lab tests give you the most insight into your clients’ underlying health issues (these are lab tests that are available to nutritionists)
- A framework for working with autoimmune clients that does not overwhelm them or you

Digestive Health Practitioner Masterclass

Brett Hawes CNP, CFMP

Brett Hawes is a 2006 IHN graduate, who has worked in integrative clinical settings for 16 years alongside DCs, DOs, RMTs, NDs, and TCM Practitioners, and has resolved health issues for thousands of clients. Brett became certified in Functional Medicine through Functional Medicine University in the U.S. in 2016. Initially, he focused on Ayurveda almost exclusively, adding holistic and applied Iridology (Dr. Pesek and Dr. Jensen) modalities to his practice. He runs an online clinic with his primary focus now being chronic and complex digestive issues, hormone health, and autoimmune disease. For over 10 years, Brett has been teaching Nutrition & Health: The Fundamentals, Nutrition & The Environment, and Nutritional Symptomatology I for the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. His popular Digestive Health Practitioner Masterclass course is part of IHN’s Continuing Education programming.

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