Final Warning, O United States: A Call to Repentance

11 months ago

Prophetic Word from 4/9/24: I want to speak to wake up the church. This is what to bring to the people today. Know that I am God. I change not. I am all-powerful, and I know all. O, United States, to you who have fallen into idolatry and witchcraft, to you who are supposed to be My people. who have fallen so far and your hearts are from Me. You bless Me and praise Me with your tongue, but your hearts are from Me. No desire for Me. No fear of Me. Hear Me. Hear My voice, O, United States. You shall fall into a torment, an everlasting torment, if you do not turn from your wicked, lackadaisical ways. You do not care that your children seek strange things. You do not care because you are so distracted in your own selves. O, United States, you shall fall in your wickedness into My judgment, saith the Lord of Hosts. Turn back to Me, O, United States. Turn back to Me. Surrender your hearts right now. Repent and turn away from every wicked deed. Repent of every wicked thought. Repent of every wicked word. It is time to hear the voice of the prophets I have sent to this land. I have sent them to warn. This is your final warning, O, United States, for soon the warnings shall cease and judgment shall come. I shall reprove. Judgment comes to the wicked, the abominable, the strange lust and affections, unnatural. LGBTQ, you listen up. That spirit in you is not from Me and you were not born that way. There are spirits in you that have overtaken you for you have opened yourselves up to it through entertainment. It is the vice of the enemy to lull you to sleep so the enemy can have its way in your hearts and minds. Therefore, I say, repent. Turn away from this sin. Turn back to My love. Receive My love and forgiveness. Be ready, those who turn back to Me, to consecrate your lives and be holy. Let go of the lusts that shall destroy you to the uttermost. Take heed of My words this day. O, United States, hear the voice of the Lord Jesus speak to you now. Go forth and repent saith the Lord of Hosts. This is a dire warning of what is to come. Great, awful, and mighty things are to come. Whose side shall you be on? Mine or the enemy of your soul’s. Repent, I say, repent.

Scriptural References:

1 Peter 4:1-19
Ephesians 3:1-12
Romans 4
Romans 12:1-2

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