Is There an Alien Camera? Nikon P1000 Discontinued During NASA Partnership

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Is there an “alien camera”? Word on the street is that the Nikon P1000 is being discontinued on the same day that Nikon signed a Space Act Agreement with NASA.

The P1000 could zoom in on celestial objects better than any other camera on the market, leaving amateur stargazers and UFO hunters wondering if this will impact their ability to capture what’s really going on in space. Simultaneously, the White House directed NASA to create a time zone for the moon, and the United States saw a rare solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Join Rob Counts for a discussion about lunar happenings, photography, and the occult history of eclipses.

Why were certain groups reportedly trying to generate fear around the eclipse? How did the changes in lunar and solar energy affect humans at the time? What symbolism is there around NASA’s APEP campaign, named after a “cosmic world serpent from ancient Egyptian cosmology”? Tune in for an otherworldly Edge of Wonder Live show out on the edge. Then, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV.

#alien #nasa #nikon #camera #p1000
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