House District 100 Republican Candidate BREAKDOWN on gun rights

10 months ago

✅✅ Dave Nissley for PA:
- 100% OPPOSED to an AR-15 Ban!
- Supports ONLY pro-gun leadership in the Pennsylvania House!
- 100% IN FAVOR of the Second Amendment Preservation Act in Harrisburg!
- 100% OPPOSED to Bloomberg's gun-control agenda of Red Flag gun confiscation and Universal Gun Registration!
- Signed his candidate survey 100% in favor of your gun rights!
- Scored an "Aq" PRO-GUN RATING from the Pennsylvania Firearms Association!

🚩 Incumbent Former Speaker Bryan Cutler:
- Completed his PFA candidate survey 100% pro-gun
- Voted against Red Flag Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration
- Gave away his gavel by voting FOR an anti-gun DEMOCRAT for Speaker of the House! Because of that, the Democrats were able to bring every gun-control bill to the floor of the House and pass them
- "F" Rated by the Pennsylvania Firearms Association

On April 23rd, vote PRO-GUN in the Republican Primary election!

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