Rwanda might have just hilariously blown up Tory deportation dreams!

11 months ago

It seems that housing Suella Braverman implied were being built for refugees in Rwanda, were in fact for first time buyers!
Right, so do you recall Suella Braverman, our former Home Secretary and darling of the hard right swanning off to Rwanda to look at some properties there that the UK was paying for the construction of, showing that we can in fact build houses, just not here in the UK it seems and gleefully cackling as an infamous photograph of the day appeared to show, the site of where refugees deported to Rwanda, should a plane ever actually get off the ground to take any there, will be living? The flats were described as beautiful, certainly a far cry from prison barges, but either they were too beautiful it seems, or our government are completely inept, which will come at no surprise to anyone, but those beautiful flats we apparently paid to build? Rwanda have just sold them to locals!
Right, so my introduction there, I have to make a small confession, has not introduced the full truth behind what has happened here to these buildings in Rwanda, there’s a twist to this story I’ve not mentioned yet, so I’ll come onto that, but the papers getting their knickers in a twist over this today, being the Daily Fail and the Murdoch Times, it would be remiss of me not to tackle the angle they’ve taken, which are very similar, which might not be much of a surprise, but the one thing neither cover is the actual truth of the story, because these are papers which appeal to the frothing pro deportation wing of the country and any red meat they can throw them, well, it gets eaten up.
The Times has gone with a headline ‘Rwandan homes earmarked for deported migrants sold to locals’ and the Fail opted for the much longer ‘Suella Braverman's Rwandan homes for deported UK migrants are being sold to locals in Kigali as Conservative policy continues to flounder.’
Neither paper are telling the whole story, though the Fail headline spelling out that this means trouble for the Tories is certainly the most honest thing about both articles, the fact the Tories are in bother over this because this is the one area of policy Rishi Sunak, son of migrants himself has staked what passes for a reputation of his on to try and save his measly hide come the election.
The way both these papers have laid this story out though is to say that 70% of the properties Braverman toured, admired, apparently gushed over the design elements, have actually been sold to locals. Affordable housing for local Rwandans. That’ll get the gammons frothing won’t it? There are only going to be a few left for deportees, if any planes ever get off the ground of course, so it would seem.
Here's the thing though, we were given the impression we were building these houses, we were paying for them were we not? That is certainly how many people have interpreted this story from last year, that we are building these houses and certainly I shamelessly alluded to that perhaps in my blurb at the start of this video, but all of these houses and flats that Braverman was oohing and aahing at? We didn’t have a penny of involvement in any of them.

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