4.8.24 LilyofVallie RAIYN Telegram Bible Study w/Bro. Rick - Eclipse Day

10 months ago

4.8.24 LilyofVallie (RAIYN) Telegram Bible Study w/Bro. Rick every Monday evening at 7pm EST. Bro.Rick discusses the total solar eclipse.
We suggest the aleph tau manifested by the 3 total solar eclipses in 2023-24 is indicative of the age of Pisces (Esau) ending and the age of Aquarius (Jacob) beginning. Aquarius is representative of Yahshua Messiah, the water bearer, pouring out his truth upon his people--truth that had been previously hidden per Rev. 6:12 with the sun becoming black as sackcloth and the moon not giving her light, a prophesy fulfilled as Bro. Rick explains in this podcast.

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