TikTok is Spyware, just like Facebook and Google... so what gives

10 months ago

Like most social media and mobile applications, TikTok is a data vacuum. Though TikTok is one of the worst abusers of its user’s trust, it’s by no means alone. So why has this particular social media company drawn such bipartisan ire from the members of Congress?

TikTok has been shown to be spyware, but that’s true for just about every app on your phone and website you visit. There have been reports of the TikTok app listening on your microphone, watching via your camera, tracking your location, and reading every keystroke you type. That makes TikTok one of the worst spyware apps on the market, right up there with Google’s Android Operating System, Chrome browser, Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Maps.

Not only would it not be effective in preventing foreign governments from spying on the American people, but it completely ignores the spying that other applications have been doing for decades. With all of the media's focus on this bill, does anyone else wonder why all of the other apps vacuuming up and selling our data have been ignored?

Read the full article... watch and learn from Constitutional Expert Paul Engel; there is always much more to learn back at America Out Loud: https://www.americaoutloud.news/.

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