Merchants of Sin

11 months ago


Jew Samuel Roth sold pornography
It was illegal to do so at the time
Then the jews took it to the Supreme Court
And they ruled that selling porn was fine

Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin

After that the floodgates opened
Jews started pushing more obscenity
They used porn to control us
Turning us into slaves of impurity

Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin

Why do you push porn so much?
Only preying on the weakness of man
Turn away from your ways of sin
And believe in Christ, the Son of Man

Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin

After you push porn so much
Only preying on the weakness of man
Turn away from your ways of sin
And believe in Christ, the Son of Man


Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin

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