--Fashion Industry Environmental Facts & Simple Solutions for You; 1: Buy Quality.., #shorts

10 months ago


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--Sustainable fashion, aims for a sustainable system in environment on the entire lifecycle of clothes, reducing waste, using resources efficiently, protecting worker and consumer health, and supporting fair trade
-- The fashion industry contributes to 8% of global emissions, and 95% of thrown-away clothes could be recycled
-- Massive water footprint of jeans and the fashion sector's potential to consume a quarter of the world's carbon budget by 2050
--What to do: Buy less but better quality, invest in versatile clothes, and choose sustainable materials. Also, shop secondhand, repair clothes, and avoid fast fashion

--1GiftWorld is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing you with tips of fashion, style and fashion conscious tips aligned with our brand: 1GiftWorld which produces conscious jewellery by up-cycling, recycling etc.

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-- #Vides are achieved through magic of #fliki
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-- Based on: https://stateofmatterapparel.com/blogs/som-blog/20-sustainable-fashion-facts
-- --Above content is used based on: Fair Use Copyright or similar legislations in other countries where the content is changed drastically, commented on etc.

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