Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces - Astrology report for all signs #timespamps #tarotary #astrology

10 months ago

On the 10th of April 2024, Mars will conjunct Saturn at 14th of Pisces.
A Mars-Saturn conjunction is a complex astrological aspect.
On the surface, it can manifest as frustration and challenges, but also offers the potential for focused determination and long-term achievement.
The key is learning to channel the tension into a persistent drive and understanding that sometimes delays create the space for greater eventual success.

A transcript of the video is uploaded on

00:00 Intro
07:29 Aries ♈️
10:19 Taurus ♉️
13:43 Gemini ♊️
15:50 Cancer ♋️
18:04 Leo ♌️
20:37 Virgo ♍️
22:55 Libra ♎️
25:20 Scorpio ♏️
27:27 Sagittarius ♐️
29:52 Capricorn ♑️
32:16 Aquarius ♒️
34:32 Pisces ♓️

#mars #saturn #tarotary #astrology #generalthemes #collectivenergy #keythemes #allsigns #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces

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