***John McAfee gave a succinct breakdown of what the Deep State is and of why it's so powerful*** :

10 months ago

"The deep state is those people within the US government that are career employees that cannot be fired by people that we elect, by the Congress or the president. There are the FCC, the CIA, the securities and Exchange Commission, the IRS.

Are these people in control? Can they enact laws? Fu*k yes. They're called regulations. For every law that Congress passes, and we elect Congress to pass our laws, there are 20 regulations enacted by federal agencies that have far more impact on our lives than anything Congress can possibly pass.

Is there a deep state? Yes. Can we fire these people? No. Can presidents fire them? No. It's designed that way so that political parties and political interests cannot affect the deep state.

Do you understand the nightmare of our situation, people? I'm sorry. It's not secret. It's as open as anything could be.

In the past, since 1975, 200,000 regulations have been passed by federal agencies encompassing 800,000 pages of fine print. People, it is no secret. It is as open as it can be.

The deep state does control America. Wake up, people."

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