Hate Crime 1

11 months ago

👉Socialism: You have 2-cows.
Gov. forces you to give 1-cow to your neighbor, who helped them.

👉Communism: You have 2-cows.
Gov. forces you to give both cows to them, in exchange for your life and a promise to allow you to buy milk discounted, when available.

👉Fascism: You have 2-cows.
You're NOT able to sell your cow, milk nor beef directly to the public and realize a ROI.
You sell to the gov's lobbyist-biz network and earn a small ROI, as a side-hustle income.
You also work a full-time primary job.

👉Nazism: You have 2-cows.
Gov agents secretly poison your body and run mind-confusing operations against your psyche, while spying so they can log your changes. After you find out and complain, the gov.s' media network publically doxx's and mocks you. Local's are then paid to video tape you as they yell racial-slurs, shoot you and take both cows.

👉Anarchism: You have 2-cows.
Keep both cows. In front of your children, you shoot the gov. agents that come and try to take your cows. You take your children with you when you steal cows from your neighbors.
Live by the sword, Die young by the sword.

👉Capitalism: You have 2-cows.
Sell one cow. 💪Buy a bull.

✅ Capitalism: while New Man James Fraser working to M.A.G.A.:
🇺🇸 You have 2-cows.
🇺🇸 Get approval for a low interest loan, buy a Bull and Six-6 more Cows.
🇺🇸 Locally sell milk to a steadily growing region.
🇺🇸 Sell beef at auction at an excellent ROI.
🇺🇸 Pay back the loan in-full early.
🇺🇸 Run your new profitable business debt-free.
🇺🇸 Happily pay taxes for a small polite gov.
🇺🇸 Raise a healthy and happy family, while assisting in the care of aging parents.
🇺🇸 Take a vacation twice a yr. and live larger than daily-life.
🇺🇸 Help your church & community with your time, talents and treasure.
🇺🇸 Leave an inheritance to your children after death, which a grateful community also attends.

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