BBM's Net Approval Ratings crashes down to +35% in latest Pulse Asia Survey

11 months ago

As per the latest Survey of the Pulse Asia Organization, the Net Approval Rating (NAR) of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) has now been reduced to just +35% while that of Vice President Sara Duterte remains relatively high at 55%. House Speaker Martin Romualdez meanwhile only has an NAR of +4% as of now.

This was initially released as an Article last April 9, 2024 at

#bongbongmarcos #bbm #saraduterte #pulseasia #approvalrating #disapprovalrating #netapprovalrating #martinromualdez #luzon #visayas #mindanao #nationalcapitalregion #ncr #socioeconomic #class #socialweatherstation #sws #survey #president #vicepresident #housespeaker #speakerofthehouse #benignoaquinoiii #rodrigoduterte #gloriamacapagalarroyo #gma

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