Directed Energy Intermediate Force on 3-29-24; 4-6-24; 4-7-24

10 months ago

Stephen Watson believes the clicks and pulses detected when parked are from directed energy intermediate force used by the US authorities against selectively targeted citizens known as targeted individuals. The clicks and pulses are followed by pain usually to the stomach to cause incontinence but also the face, head, shoulders etc. This is a type of corporal punishment using the silent weapon directed energy intermediate force, also termed electronic warfare by the military. The weaponry is being abused because it is considered emerging technology with a lack of legal framework to prohibit to ban its use, partly due to a lack of public awareness.

Check out my targeted individual books on Amazon: Active Denial Abuse Memoir: A Chronology Of Covert RF Weapon Targeting; Microwave Harassment; Directed Energy Targeting Memoir From 2004 to 2019 (Foul Play by the Government/Pentagon); Targeted by the Pentagon Over UFOs: What Are They Hiding?; Covert Microwave Harassment Not Just 5G; Directed Energy Attacks in Los Angeles: A Memoir Of Electronic Harassment by the Authorities by Stephen Watson.

My Blog: stephenwatsoon dot wordpress dot com

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