Dennis Montgomery: The Man who Conned the Pentagon

10 months ago

Dennis Montgomery, the same man behind the "Hammer and Scorecard" election hacking disinfo pushed by Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrne and others was also behind a December 2003 terror hoax that resulted in emergency grounding of flights and a raising of the official terror threat level to the second-highest possible.

Jun 27, 2005 - [Bogus analysis led to terror alert in Dec. 2003](

U.S. officials tell NBC News that CIA experts — technicians working for the Directorate of Science and Technology — thought they had found numbers embedded in the crawl signaling upcoming attacks; dates and flight numbers, and geographic coordinates for targets, including the White House, Seattle's Space Needle, even the tiny town of Tappahanock, Va. What the analysts thought they had found was something called "steganography" — messages hidden inside a video image.

"I'm astonished," says author and intelligence expert Jim Bamford, "that they would put so much credibility in such a weak source of intelligence."

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