#Chocolate Hills Night Bohol, PH

11 months ago

Young Nikos, Son of the Residence owner were I Live

Offered to take me to the Chocolate hills area with a few of his local friends, we set of at 17:30 and connected with each pair of boys on their motorbikes. After introductions we set off to the pre arranged location.
Arriving at the foot of a large hill separated by a open field three of us decided to make our way to the top, the others had to collect our BBQ chicken and tools and meet at the top some time later.

An unruly path to the apex of that hillock, meant we encountered two couples on their way down having seen the sunset, after a short casual chat we continued along the path upwards, it was getting pretty dark and we had to switch on our mobile phone's torch's.
This is one time I looked at my feet attire and thought ''man you are not prepared for this'' wearing flipflops?

Twenty mins later arriving at the top we surveyed the night sky and its eerie colours on he horizon, The guys scoured around to see if they can find a suitable BBQ area, but instantly my doubts on starting a fire of any kind was challenged seeing the long dry wheatgrass. This was a no-no unless we wanted to become part of the BBQ on the hill.

In their defence the guys had not been on this hillock before so it was anticipated to be sparse of grass and after a conflab I convinced them that it was best we leave this scene and reassess our evening plans. We were good and headed back down in even more difficult conditions as the little light we had was now degraded to feeling our way along the path, even with mobile torches.

At the other end of the open field we waited for the others with the BBQ chicken to return, change of plan was discussed to travel further to a suitable location, but it was now around 8pm.
It came over me to suggest we find a restaurant and chill out there, It was gonna be my treat for good intentions for the evening.

''TURK'' Restaurant on the high road i saw and motioned that we check it out.
Spicy sauce Chicken, Rice and BIG Pizza was ordered, a couple of San Miguel cans complimented the meal for Seven guys.

Further discussion brought us to decide on a local Shrine a block away, where we could overview the town and market below, continue the BBQ using logs from nearby, the boys brought a ground sheet or too and yoga mat, which I was offered maybe they see i needed it more than they did, lol, no but seriously it was a sincere gesture and respect I have come to notice during my time in the Philippines

The rest of the evening we ended up looking at Large fruit bats swerving above, and talks about they were a tasty morsel and sought after by Filipinos in the provinces, apparently the shoot them with air rifles,, I also noticed luminous night flies, skipping across the tree leaves, i am told by Nikos that they have only a few hours life cycle, not much of a life is it?

Nikos had an App that deciphers the star signs all you did was point it at the night sky and the heavenly bodies would appear clearly and with associated names, how cool is that, I immediately downloaded that beastie!

Down below was the market and some celebration was on the way and carried on through the early morning as we did with the assistance of beers and Music from Spotify played via my Mini speaker, Call it a perfect evening with new friends.

Many fell asleep but two of us rambled on about various topics and current personal situations, Finally my anti-mosquito repellent was wearing off and the fire was dimming to ashes, the tiem to pack up was due.


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