Smokeless Powder in 50 Cal. Factory Muzzleloaders (Low-Pressure Load DVDs)

10 months ago

Savage Arms proved smokeless powder can be used safely in a muzzleloader over twenty years ago. However, the myth still persists that any smokeless powder will burst the barrel of any muzzleloader. Sadly, some have used fast-burning pistol powders to perpetuate this myth by bursting a barrel on purpose. They could do the same thing to any shotgun barrel, by using the same method.
In this video a strain gauge is used to measure the pressure produced inside a muzzleloader barrel to prove low pressure smokeless loads can be used safely in some factory muzzleloaders.

Low Pressure 50 Caliber Smokeless Loads in a 209 Factory Muzzleloader, 2 DVD set | are available on eBay
These 2 DVDs contain a demonstration of using Low Pressure Smokeless Loads in a 50 caliber factory muzzleloader.
The cost is less than 8 oz. of Blackhorn209 propellant, which is made up of 83% smokeless powder (nitrocellulose). However, Blackhorn209 also contains other chemicals which are corrosive.

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