Who OWNS & CONTROLS the US Federal Reserve? - Mike McKibben & Douglas Gabriel

5 months ago

Read the research on the ownership and control of the Federal Reserve: tinyurl.com/yjzsz3v9

Who owns the PRIVATE CORPORATION known as the US FEDERAL RESERVE? Top 9 Owners of the US Federal Reserve.
1) CITIBANK= 42.8%
3) HSBC Bank= 8%
6) Bank of NY MELLON= 3.5%
7) Deutche Bank= .87%
8) Mitsui Bank out of Tokyo= .4%
9) Industrial & Commercial Bank of China= .1%

Mike McKibben's research group pulled up all the SEC filings for these TOP 9 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OWNERS and found out that ultimately VANGUARD is the top shareholder or 2nd top shareholder of all these top 9 banks who OWN the US Federal Reserve.

Vanguard is the biggest shareholder of Blackrock but no one knew who the shareholders of Vanguard were but Mike McKibben says his group found out the owners of Vanguard (City of London banks like Rothschilds, Coutts, Baring, Warburgs, Schiffs, & Barclays) are all hiding behind their VANGUARD holding).

Libertarian99 - When you track these people over 100's of years it is like a RUSSIAN DOLL inside a RUSSIAN DOLL inside a RUSSIAN DOLL as they HIDE their names & money in other people (agents) & corporations (Just like Mike McKibben says that JP Morgan 150 years ago was a Rothschild agent in the USA with Rothschild money$$).

Antony C Sutton's work of the 1960's/70's showed these same LONDON BANKING FAMILIES financing BOTH SIDES of every war going back 200 years to the Napoleon wars of 1815. Antony Sutton at the time could not figure out how all these industrialists were tied together until Charlotte Iserbyt (whose father was a SKULL&BONES member) had access to the SKULL & BONES black leather membership book (going back to 1832) & FED EXed the membership book to Antony Sutton where he was allowed 24 hours to look it over before FED EXing it back to Charlotte where Antony realized it was SECRET SOCIETIES that connected this FINANCIAL SATANIC CABAL globally.

These people's power comes from being PUPPET MASTERS running the show from the shadows but people are waking up and FOLLOWING THE MONEY that leads back to these people as we are now in financial END GAME (IE: The GREAT RESET).

American Intelligence Media

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