COVID-19 was CCP's opportunity to exercise its authoritarian rule and law in Western countries

10 months ago

4/3/2024 [Maria Zeee: China Bioweapon Bank Threat] COVID-19 was the opportunity for the CCP to exercise its authoritarian rule and law in Western countries, and the CCP succeeded very well at that. The infowar will continue in order to make Americans and Western civilians accept the fact that genetic modification experiments have been conducted on humans and accommodate to it.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
4/3/2024 【玛丽亚·泽伊 中共生物武器威胁】新冠是中共在西方国家得以实践其专制制度和法律的一次机会,而中共在此方面做的很成功。信息战会持续进行,目的就是让美国和西方人接受已经在人类身上进行的基因改造实验的现实并习以为常。
#中共 #消灭中共

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