11 months ago

Truth truly is stranger than fiction. "Forever elements" (responsible for "long term covid", for example) are getting into our bodies, via injections of ALL types, those injected shedding, resulting in transfections, tap water, plastics, GMOs (genetically modified foods), elements being put into foods (like the water), including food additives and sprayed into the air (chem-trails), Many or most of these F.E.s can be utilized as biological transponders to both receive and transmit EMF signals, much like your natural DNA's telomeres, which (believe it or not) communicate with "God" / heaven or the aether world, without which you could not live and would not be alive. Maybe that Too Much Information?

Thus, with devices that are more than what they seem AND neither are we are told, they can take reading from your bio-transmitted feedback and/or affect your mind + emotions and effect your biology, via and resulting in a electromagnetic field network, which can be uploaded or downloaded to and from their info gathering "CLOUD", even creating a sort of holographic twin image, plus monitor your location, movements and activities.

Graphene is a semi-metal and an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice nanostructure. The name is derived from "graphite" and the suffix -ene, reflecting the fact that the graphite allotrope of carbon contains numerous double bonds.

To my understanding, according to "uncle Clif", there is no mmRNA in anyone's blood (not sure I believe that), as it is not just modified, but mutated. This due to the sub-zero tempatures required and the time exposure to heat, before injection. Even if so, the self-replicating construction of circuits has been seen with electron microscopes and proven.

There is also LUCIFERASE which "marks" you as a receiver ot the CV poke(s), as it has bio-luminescent, reacting under special lighting, such as "black-lights" and other blue lighting. (notice the street lamp lights and diode motor vehicle lights)

SMART devices are used for these purposes, also forming a home network within your residence. Secret Military Array Residential Technology.


CoVFeFe in the periodic table. ( a shield )
COVID-19 = Certification of vaccination I.D. - A.l. !!!

5G+, Smart Utility Meters, etc.

As far as I know (and Sabrina Wallace claims there is no evidence, at least that she has seen) the only product we have so far to cleanse our blood from these toxins, MOSTLY, is call Master Peace.
Some claim side effects, but what is the choice?
It works with its own nano technology, having an opposite charge to attract the bad stuff and flush it out. I would warn that this probably works much like CHELATION, which can deplete you of good minerals and some vitamins, so SUPPLEMENT yourself!!!🌕
(minerals are vastly more important)<<<<

Pure water is most important. There are special mugs, treatments and even "plasma water" available. Filters and distillers are hightly recommended. Keep hydrated!

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