Sharing Christ Among The Suffering Unreached in Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist nations.

10 months ago

Professor Chris Gnanakan gives a presentation on sharing Christ among the suffering unreached in Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist nations. This presentation took place at the Community Church of Alton, NH Saturday April 6, 2024. The church's website:

Chris Gnanakan, from South India, worked as an electrician before studying Bible, Theology, and Missions at the Word of Life Bible Institute, NY and Tennessee Temple University. He researched Pastoral Theology & Counseling at the South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies from where he earned his Doctorate in Ministry in Pastoral Theology, completed his Ph.D. from Leeds University, UK. Chris was awarded his Doctor of Divinity from Trinity Baptist College, FL, USA, for strategic leadership in missional movements.

Chris is our Professor for Theology and Global Studies at Liberty University and serves as the Director of Leadership Development for Christar. Chris and Dorothy have two daughters Alethea and Charis who graduated from LU. Chris loves to motivate people with God’s Word, mobilize them into the fields and mentor the next generation!

D.D., Trinity Baptist College
Ph.D., University of Leeds, UK
D.Min., South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies
M.Th., South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies
M.Div., Asia Graduate School of Theology
B.A., Tennessee Temple University
Diploma, Word of Life Bible Institute
Diploma, Motor Industries Company
Weaver, P., Gnanakan, C., Wicks M., Oliveira R., Calhoun M., Merkh D., (2021), Surveying the Old Testament Poetic Books, Learn the Word Publishing, ISBN: 9798455407857,
Beckwith, F., Campbell, R., Cobb Jr., J., Cumming, J., Gnanakan, C., Gundry, S., McDermott, G., Schwartz, W.A., Shenk, D., Walls, J., (2019), Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?: Four Views, Zondervan Academic, ISBN: 9780310538035,

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