Navy Antigravity Patents & The Superforce - Dr. Salvatore Pais, US Navy DSPod 201

11 months ago

Dr. Salvatore Pais is an aerospace engineer and inventor best known for being the owner, by way of the US Navy, of several patents for antigravity technology. The technology in the patents is based on what Pais calls the superforce - a Planckian derivation of the zero point energy of the quantum field that Pais suggest could yield nearly infinite amounts of energy. We discuss the first principles behind the math, the possible mechanisms of the technology, the long path from theory to implementation, and try to get to the bottom of who Pais is and where he comes from.

Dr. Pais' papers on the superforce: and

00:00:00 Go!
00:00:17 Path to the Office of Naval Research
00:10:14 Humble beginnings
00:19:28 Understanding the Math
00:27:47 Why treat time as an object
00:38:04 Unraveling the next scale of interactions
00:48:40 What's the value of reductionist thinking?
01:00:58 Securing funding for the superforce
01:11:44 Are we ready for the next stage of tech?
01:21:04 All ideas in their due time
01:30:18 Untangling the meaning of the superforce equation
01:40:22 Holy grail of unification?
01:48:14 The law of large numbers - a measurement bias?
01:58:38 The fluid nature of "plasma"
02:09:47 Superintelligence, reinvention, and "old" technology
02:15:51 Application trumps theory, but theory can drive implementation
02:25:36 Growing up in Romania
02:33:19 Closing thoughts

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#DrSalvatorePais, #AntigravityTechnology, #Superforce, #ZeroPointEnergy, #QuantumField, #Inventor, #AerospaceEngineer, #USNavy, #Patents, #AdvancedTechnology, #EnergyInnovation, #Physics, #ScienceDiscussion, #TheoreticalPhysics, #InventorsOfOurTime, #QuantumMechanics, #CuttingEdgeScience, #ResearchAndDiscovery, #FuturisticTech, #MysterySolved

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PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.

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