A powerful, whistleblower interview.

Streamed on:

The Whistleblowers voice has been altered to protect them

They have had cystic fibrosis all their lives, then finally they were offered a new wonder-drug, Trikafta.

Before they were given it the doctors told them, if you take this then under no circumstances are you to take the covid jabs.

Trikafta changed their life. For the first time ever they felt well. Then a year later the same doctors said, if you don’t take the covid jabs, we will cease your access to Trikafta.

She refused, but managed to get a supply of the wonder drug.

Then she was called up by the medical team. They wanted her to cease Trikafta because so many people who are on it, now have major heart issues. She does not have heart issues.

To a clear thinking scientist, in a clear thinking world, she would clearly be proof that Trikafta is not the culprit of the heart issues.

But we are not in a clear thinking world.

Michael Gray Griffith

Café Locked out

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