April 9 - 1 Samuel 4-8 - 2024 Bible Study

11 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for April 8, 2024 is 1 Samuel 1-3.

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion.

If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.


The conversation explores the power of words and the importance of seeking God fully. It emphasizes the need to align our words and actions with God's will and to worship Him wholeheartedly. The conversation also touches on the longing for God's presence, the rejection of God, and the shared experiences of suffering and loss. The overall message is to prioritize God in every aspect of our lives and to develop a closer relationship with Him.

Our words have power, and we should align them with God's will.
We should seek God fully and worship Him wholeheartedly.
Longing for God's presence should be our priority.
Rejection and suffering can help us develop a closer relationship with God.

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Transcripts and more are available at the BIO (Bible In Order) website: https://bibleinorder.com
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