W. OHIO In case you missed it- Solar Eclipse 4 8 2024- TOTALITY StormChasers

10 months ago

Just wanted you all to experience great Joy from this event and put up some links if you require explanations as to the divine aspect and emotions that this can create. I really loved that they were in an open field and they captured the 360 degree "sunset" sunrise effect. And they really had a feeling of elation from this experience!
If you want to watch the full program the link is here: Great Lakes Weather https://rumble.com/v4o7zm5-live-solar-eclipse-2024-in-western-ohio.html
And enjoy your OREO Cookies!
(first statement on this clip was... anyone want an OREO?)
Sheila Holm https://rumble.com/v4ezcmc-sheila-holm-3-prophetic-solar-eclipses-nino-2-20-24.html
Trey Smith https://rumble.com/v4o1x2w-trey-smith-prophacies-and-end-times-eclipse-and-new-beginnings-4-7-2024.html

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