4-7-2024 | Part 4 of Restoring Biblical Manhood | Lionheart Restoration Ministries

10 months ago

This Sunday, Mike McClung continued with the Restoration of Biblical Manhood Series with Part 4. In this message, Mike discussed how men will never become the godly warrior God designed them to be until they start taking responsibility for themselves and quit blaming parents, economic and societal conditions and God! Oftentimes, we cannot control what is done to us, but we are always responsible for our reactions to how we are treated. If we react poorly, with a vengeful or bitter heart, a root of bitterness can form in our hearts, stopping all growth. However, if we choose to forgive, the Lord uses our circumstances along with His discipline as our Father to train us up into Christ's image. A true warrior does not run from discipline, but embraces it.

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-Sunday Mornings @ 10AM
-Tuesday Nights @ 6:30PM

Lionheart Restoration Ministries Address:

3426 Sevierville Rd, Maryville, Tn 37804

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