Here's Why You Always Attract TOXIC PEOPLE into Your Life

10 months ago

The reason you attract toxic people into your life is mainly because you are toxic yourself; now, that sounds mean and a little shallow. So here, let me explain: A thief always finds another thief, irrespective of the city, place, or logistics.

Thieves always find each other. Likewise, musicians also find other musicians to collaborate with, and gym bros always find other gym bros to work out with.

So the whole point is, in life, you receive whatever you focus upon. If you are always focused on anger, you will attract more situations and people that bring out more anger in you, and likewise, if you always focus on love, you will attract more situations and people in your life that bring in more love.

Your emotional state vibrates at a certain frequency, and this attracts people similar to your vibrational state.

Instead of always fixing things on the external (cutting off toxic people), also combine doing the inner work and raise your vibrational state. By elevating your state, you will stop attracting people in a lower vibrational state and attract the ones in a higher vibrational state.

And once you are shifting your state, you kind of shift realities; you jump from one reality to another. T

This is a concept that has been discussed in several books, especially Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland.

The whole concept is that your desired reality already exists in a timeline. You don't have to create it from scratch, just envision it and shift your state, and you will watch yourself shifting realities. And once you shift realities, you will also watch the people in it shift according to your state.

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