May 6, 1964 | LBJ Press Conference

10 months ago

May 6, 1964 - Following are highlights of President Johnson’s news conference today:
Guests — Said he thought the reporters’ children should have a press conference too since they had taken so many telephone calls for their parents. It had even been suggested, he said that they should be accredited to the White House.
McNamara — Defense Secretary is leaving Friday for West Germany for discussions of mutual defense problems with German officials. Will go from there to South Vietnam with Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, Army Chief of Staff.
Maritime — Announced establishment by executive order of a Maritime Advisory Committee to study the national defense, trade, manpower, and labor-relations programs of the maritime industry.
Economic — Said he was pleased with record 39-month growth in nation’s economy, including $108 billion expansion in gross national product; corporate profits this year running $9 billion above 1961, and 1.8 billion increase in employment over year ago. Asks business and labor to hold line on prices and wages.
Alliance for Progress — Will ask Ambassadors of each member nation to Washington next Monday for review of program and accomplishments.
Panama — Gave encouraging report on progress of talks with Panamanian Government. Has directed U.S. Ambassador there and Governor of Panama Canal Zone to form new committee to study means of improving U.S.-Panamanian relations.
Extra Session — Said he would “seriously consider” calling Congress into special session after political conventions if necessary to complete major legislative program.
Cuba Overflights — Said he knew of no arrangement with Soviet Union giving this country permission to continue surveillance flights over Cuba.
Wallace Vote — Said he did not think vote for Governor Wallace of Alabama in Wisconsin and Indiana primaries indicated “any overwhelming endorsement” of the Governor’s record. On the Alabama choice of free electors, said the people of any state had a right to vote for any party or candidate they chose, “without confusion.”

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