“Body Positivity”: What They Aren’t Telling You

10 months ago

Meet Tess Holliday, the “body positivity” model showing off her bikini body this summer.

The woke body positive and anti-diet movements are on the rise, and they’re normalizing obesity.

But why?

The answer appears to be “follow the money.”

It’s well-documented that fifty years ago, sugar companies paid researchers to promote the notion that dietary fat, not sugar, was the cause of obesity and ill health.

More recently, the Washington Post reported that General Mills, that’s the company that makes Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, and much of the processed food that makes people sick and is linked to different kinds of cancers, has been pushing the anti-diet movement.

So. if you ask yourself how these “body positivity” influencers make money, now you know.

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