Don’t do it…. You cannot change your gender,… it is literally impossible. (read description)

10 months ago

Don’t do it…. You cannot change your gender,… it is literally impossible.

You will only end up like this poor lost soul.

Please share this video… prevention is better than cure.

✅ Don’t be a victim of ignorance
☑️ Think while it’s still legal.

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If society was devoid of evil, devoid of fear, shame, guilt, and division, and allow people to be free to live and wear what they want then this madness will stop. I have met many transexuals during my life, some have had the op, some are happy, some are not, but then who will admit to being miserable when they are in debt and in denial. Some post op transexuals have told me that had society allowed crossdressing, to allow the binary sexes to express inner feelings of the opposite gender then they probably would not have felt compelled to have the op. The problem is not being allowed to express inner feelings, just like we have "tomboys" where females can express their male side, men should be allowed to express their feminine side, but when it is jumped upon by cash hungry doctors, liberal nutjobs, the innocent victims are caught in the crossfire. We all have masculine and feminine traits, some people more than others but when this expression is given labels it brings fear, shame and guilt and to justify self-expression the victims are railroaded into gender reassignment surgery....instead of just staying the fuck away and allowing people to be themselves. I knew a few female tomboys in my school many moons ago, they lived happily with no external interference, but today there are medical vultures, assisted by the demonic entities in government and media.

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