Is Starmer's Labour going bust as it begs for donations?

5 months ago

As Starmer's Labour membership plummets, donations are drying up too, to the extent a begging for donations email is doing the rounds...
Right, so cast your mind back to what Keir Starmer said about his Labour Party and what then Labour members, I’d hope a lot of those within earshot, decided to take him at his word when he said if you don’t like what I’m doing, if you don’t like the Labour Party as it is today, then there’s the door. Well certainly plenty of people have it seems as the latest begging email sent out to Labour members is one of pleading poverty and of donations drying up. Well my sympathy extends to precisely zero over this. You wanted your Labour to be the party of big business, the party of millionaires, you spurned the membership, told them to get stuffed if you hadn’t slung them out already on spurious charges as part of the Labour purge, then maybe you wouldn’t be in so much trouble now. Labour has been bleeding away paying supporters for years and it has only accelerated more recently, wouldn’t the truth of the matter be more like the Labour Party simply can’t afford to have Keir Starmer as their leader in which case?
Right, so Labour are in financial trouble having told anyone on the left they haven’t purged to effectively do one if they don’t like how the party is run these days, and given that it is run like a Margaret Thatcher tribute act, plenty have indeed it seems used that door.
Whilst I’ve brought her up of course, it would be remiss of me to not pass comment on today being the 11th anniversary of Thatcher’s death, so everyone enjoy a ding dong moment today in her memory.
But it’s not only that lurch towards Torylitism that has sent people packing, but the current leader too. Labour might be riding high in the polls ahead of the Tories, but as far as the party leaders go, both are in negative territory, which just goes to show that Labour’s lead is built on sand when Starmer is a total turn off to voters, just less of a turn off than Sunak is. Some media are now carrying a story that Sunak is going to now push the General Election back as far as he legally can, which would be next January, as he continues to run away from an election he knows he’s going to lose, yet the longer he stalls, the more it damages the Tories, the more it actually helps Starmer, so other media debating whether the Tories will ditch Sunak even at this late stage, well, it may not be as mad as you might think, given how Sunak really is running them into the floor, not that they don’t deserve extinction, it’s just the thought of a Starmer led landslide, when his poll lead is built on the Tories implosion and he’s lied his weaselly black guts out to get where he is today, it just feels like he’s being rewarded for being arguably one of the most dishonest politicians we’ve ever seen and again that plays into part of why he is such a massive turn off when nationally the party continues to do well.
Starmer promised continuity Corbyn and instead has delivered Blair on steroids. Where he promised 10 pledges of transformative change, he now promises nothing, his chancellor a Thatcherite who takes advice from George Osborne and poses in public lavatories.

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