Levin: The Left Has To Go Through 70M+ Americans To Get To Trump

11 months ago

"This is the United States Constitution, that the Democratic Party and the media despise, they wave it around as they try to destroy it. And you've heard about the Fifth Amendment, and I want to read you one partial sentence out of the Fifth Amendment: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. I think we need to amend that, don't you? We need to amend that no person should be denied life, liberty or property without due process of law unless his name is Donald Trump because the full power of the federal government, the full police powers of the federal government, the full power, the federal and state local judiciary, the full power of the so-called Department of Justice and their prosecutors and their investigators, and the full power of the invisible hand, the Svengali behind it all, Joe Biden who knows how to work these levers of power. He has been there for 50 years are all aimed at destroying one man, Donald Trump. But here's the problem, they have to go through 70 million of us to get to him.”

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