Donald Trump is pivoting the correct way on abortion

10 months ago

I think Donald Trump did an excellent job in his recent video addressing the topic of abortion. It's very close to what I suggested here in a response to Groomers/Democrats, including the vacuous divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport

The only thing I wish he added was, "I WILL VETO any & all federal legislation dealing w/ abortion or abortion rights, I am fully-committed to the states having this issue."

We need more of this, the states should have more authority in unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps/means-tested entitlements.

Donald Trump criticized Ron DeSantis during the primary & now he seems to be moving away from that to the view that DeSantis & the FL Legislature should decide it, not pukes in Washington.

The Democrats cannot talk about the economy, they cannot talk about the border, they cannot talk about crime because the jurisdictions in America where murder is a YUUUUGE problem are run by THEIR PARTY.

The only pivot they have is abortion & I think Donald Trump just chiseled a bit of that off. #Trump2024 #Trump4547 #FJB

Some of the groomers on the Democrat side will call this a dodge, but that's because they want the type of authoritarian government that rules in places like Cuba, Venezuela & China.

It's not a dodge to give a lot of authority to the states. California et al for example used COVID lockdowns to get other states to pay for much of their labor force to sit on their ass, because Leviathan is in charge of unemployment benefits, largely. States can expand their own if they want, but Washington sets the baseline.

We need more "50 laboratories of democracy", even though we are not a democracy. You get the gist.

We did not fight this hard to end Roe v. Wade just to send it back to a bunch of morons who have buried us in debt. I am not going to force a rape victim (violation of the non-aggression principle) to have that child, but if she asked my advice I would tell her to have it, we'll jail the rapist for life.

Sure, some doctors will use the "health exception" to allow an abortion for a woman who was irresponsible, but there's no other viable way. If you are a pro-lifer upset by what Trump said, would you rather go back to Roe? Are you going to sit it out & elect Joe Biden, a pervert who wants abortions at 9 months just because it can happen. Get a grip!

We had doctors during COVID hawking crap "vaccines", so some will hawk abortions just to do it. They will be punished by Jesus Christ, unless they repent.

This will also result in a Roe Effect, where Democrat voters do not reproduce, in the long run this is a good thing.

The only issue Joe Biden has in November is slipping away & this fake, selected President (certainly NOT elected) will thankfully go off to the nursing home soon.

BONUS: Creepy old man Sam Seder whines about guns, his voters are the problem

DOUBLE BONUS: Creepy old man Sam Seder's "Republican Voter Suppression" talking points get nuked

PS the folks who want abortion decisions to be "between the patient & doctor" -- I wish we had the same view on health care overall. Remember, "if you like your doctor & your health care plan you can keep it."

I wish they had the same view on me funding my own retirement, void of government scheme "to help me" so they can inflate my savings into oblivion when I retire. I digress

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