Look at the facts & patterns. Facts and Patterns NEVER LIE, PEOPLE DO- REF P DIDDY - HE IS PAWN.

10 months ago

Look at the facts and patterns (Epstein, Weinstein, and Shawn Carter). Facts and Patterns NEVER LIE PEOPLE DO- REF P DIDDY - HE IS PAWN. What is in the dark is coming out in the LIGHT. It's all a matter of time and everyone knows it!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/0l4Z4h96AKPs/ - NAZI COMING TO AMOORICA AND COMMITTED GENOCIDE
Charlenes Case https://www.scribd.com/document/721146413/Charlenes-case-with-Epstein-The-Trust-Harvey-Weinstein-Shawn-Carter-Darren-Indyke-Richard-Khan-Walt-Disney-Def-Jam-Beyounce-Knowledge-Kanya-West-Black
RESIDENTIAL Schools results -https://www.scribd.com/document/720276025/Unitedstates-Inc-Residential-Schools-Stood-Up-by-GENPRATT-for-Moors-Aka-Genocide-So-They-Could-Steal-Their-Land-See-Page-21-24
One World Tartarians ref: Legalized Racism by the KM/Nazi in AMOORICA https://archive.org/details/one-world-tartarians/page/n3/mode/2up

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