Maricopa Voter Roll Analysis - Irrefutable Proof of Criminal Activity

5 months ago

The public does not understand that while the Maricopa Audit report was made public, other lines of enquiry continue, and analysis of the voter rolls of Maricopa has been found to show clear proof of massive criminal activity by the managers of those rolls within Maricopa County Elections (or conceivably, by others who hacked into their systems).
In the months before elections, infrequent voters are identified; doppelgangers (and triple-gangers and quadruple-gangers) are created and drizzled into the system; on Election Day the doppelgangers vote; the day after the election 30% of the doppelgangers disappear, and the rest drizzle out over several months.

It is now irrefutable. Send this to anyone who has said, "But where's the evidence?"

mirrored from Patrick B rumble

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