Where Science Falls Short in Understanding Dreams...

10 months ago

Science says in order to dream, you need to be asleep for about six or eight hours. You need to hit the deepest parts of REM. Then you usually dream coming out of the deepest parts of REM. So people are like, well, you usually dream in the morning, just before you wake up. That's really interesting. Have you ever been really exhausted driving home from work? You get to a light just as it's turning red and you're like, okay, good, this is going to be red for about two minutes. You close your eyes for just a few minutes, like, I'm just going to rest here for a minute. I can do that and instantly be in a dream. Uh, science says that can't happen. How's that happening? Is it a special gift given only to me? No, I don't think so. Because I know other people that can do it, too. It can happen in a movie, I'm ashamed to say, but when I've overspent myself. This has happened in a conversation with people where I'm actually talking, even talking on the phone. Then I'm just like, I knew that 1 minute I was awake and literally 15 seconds later, I am in another world entirely. I'm super tired usually when it happens. So it feels like I'm asleep and it's a dream.

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