Not Sure?

9 months ago

Need to know your next step because you see the way ahead is not clear? Sometimes God is doing something new and it takes an activating of our faith, a yielding of our decision to Him before we get the courage to step out in an unfamiliar territory, one that makes us feel uneasy-queasy.

There have been many times in life where we don’t know our next step, but we know we need to move forward. Sometimes we feel stumped and know we can’t find our way on our own. It is so simple the answer to this conundrum. We ask God. We take the next step by faith, not by what we see, but what we know, that God is in charge of our life, that God is trustworthy and will not lead us into anything He has not equipped us for.

Yielding to God is one of the best decisions we can do. Because God knows everything, He knows all. God is able to give us courage to step out into the unknown, never underestimate His ability to navigate us through tough times. Don’t give up if the way seems blocked. Walk by faith and not by sight, acting out of our faith and belief that God can do the miraculous. Walking by faith, talking to God as we step out, we let the peace of Jesus Christ rule our hearts as we step out into new things into Great God Adventure. Walk By Faith. Trust God. Yield Your Decision To God! God will make a way for You where there seems to be no way. God bless ya.

Dig Deeper: Got fear going on today? Feeling a bit anxious?

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