Piggy And Cat Are Having The Most Adorable Nap Together

6 years ago

More and more people realize that pigs are amazing domestic animals! They are clean, they do not sweat and they are very very emotional! They are the best pets you can ever have! Mini pigs are also very good with other pets like cats and dogs, which is a good thing! They have their own bed, they have baths and brush their teeth every night before bed! This is one amazing pig that does not want to sleep in her bed alone, so she decided to hang out and sleep together with their cat!

Pearl, the mini pig makes herself comfortable by the fire, which happens to be right on top of her cat friend Theo... Who doesn't seem to mind at all! This is one truly amazing friendship! Theo and Pearl are best friends and they love to share everything together and that something unique you don’t see every day! Pigs are such emotional creatures and much like people, develop relationships with other animals besides pigs.

We have found that typically cats do well with pigs. You can see how tight their friendships is by the way they take a nap! They are so adorable!

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when. What do think about this friendship?

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