Creating a Thriving In Game Economy The Key to Player Satisfaction

9 months ago

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So I think this is going to have like creating an in-game economy I think is really important because like the reason why it matters a lot is that What I didn't like about Reaper of Souls is whenever I got an item that wasn't as good as what I had but it was close I couldn't sell it So like the only win condition I could have would be when I get an item that's better than what the current item I have is But if you have a game like PoE or Diablo III like base Diablo III if I get an item and it's almost as good as what I have or it's a little bit better I can replace what I have and then I can sell the old one It feels a lot better to do packed on the long term of trading in a very healthy way for people to like that side of the game

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