The Servile Wars: Class Struggle in the Roman Republic (132-71 B.C.E.)

6 months ago

***EXCLUSIVE TO RUMBLE*** "Eunus (died 132 BC) was a Roman slave from Apamea in SYRIA who became the leader of the slave uprising in the First Servile War (135 BC–132 BC) in the Roman province of Sicily. EUNUS rose to prominence in the movement through his reputation as a prophet and wonder-worker and ultimately declared himself king. He claimed to receive visions and communications from the goddess Atargatis, a prominent goddess in his homeland whom he identified with the Sicilian Demeter. Some of his prophecies were that the rebel slaves would successfully capture the city of Enna and that he would be a king some day." (wiki)

"The Second Servile War was an unsuccessful slave uprising against the Roman Republic on the island of Sicily. The war lasted from 104 BC until 100 BC. Led by a former slave called SALVIUS. Taking the previous slave-leader Eunus for his example, who had proclaimed himself an Antiochus of the Seleucid line, he assumed the name Tryphon, from Diodotus Tryphon, a Seleucid ruler." (wiki)

"The Third Servile War (73-71 BCE), also called the Gladiator War and the War of SPARTACUS by Plutarch, was the last in a series of slave rebellions against the Roman Republic known as the Servile Wars. This third rebellion was the only one that directly threatened the Roman heartland of Italy." (wiki)


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