Americans Are Repeating History- Not Demanding Investigation Into Domestic Terrorist Attack Just like 911. KEY BRIDGE

10 months ago

Some wise People know that something is not right with the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Are you wise enough to realize it was an attack? Or will you be like Americans when the Twin Towers were demolished by explosives , not jets and let the criminals get away with destroying our major bridge ? No investigation at all!!! Lots of questions , no one is asking. And. American tax dollars to pay for the rebuild? Why? To avoid an investigation?!
It was obviously a cyber attack to make that barge hit and destroy that bridge.
Lara Logan: " A lie has no legs". The Truth Does. She vets and verifies her information before she reports and she did. She knew to look for other attacks, and sure enough there was another bridge hit by a ship.
What do you go after when. invading a country? Infrasture. They are shutting down our food, already and now this bridge attack. Are the other news stations talking about it? No!
Why did Biden announce ' we'd " pay for the replacement bridge. 'We' didnt' knock it down, a shipping company did- why are they not liable?" Insurance? Is Biden afraid of an investigation into the crash ?
Right? That's fishy. Come on Folks it was a domestic attack.
Our job is to speak Truth to Power.

What about all the mllions of people dying of the jab?? The insurance companies do prove the deaths... At least five people have recently died of it on my street in an over 55 community. We have a massive assault on our food industry... hundreds of food processing plants have been burnt to the ground, arson... by design.
The pretro dollars is under attack too, not secure at all. Very devalued. Americans are suffering.
I say lets Vote For Laura Logan for President... She has common sense and a vast knowledge of our Nation and the World's Geopolitical Situation.

This country is in real trouble. Please do NOT sit back and do nothing about our Bridge being attacked, llke our citizens did when New York was domestically attacked, and let the criminals not only get away with the bombing crime, they welcomed the criminals to stay and govern.

We are systemmatically being attacked and invaded a thousand cuts ...Our puppet govt is the enemy within... Will those 100,000's of chinese and other foreign criminals welcomed across our borders be enlisted in our depleted military? And used against us when they declare martial law?
Everything runs on cyber now and all manner of boats and jets and vehicles can be hacked and taken over.
Please share and call your reps and demand an investigation into the Key Bridge Attack. Do not let your news shows lie to you like they did about 911.

Be wiser. Share the truth. Shout it from the rooftops. Hit the streets to rally for Justice, and Peace and Truth.

In case you may want to donate a cup of tea, to this grandmother fighting for the kids and us all for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much!

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