Joe Rambo - Part 1) 💥 1 minute and 29 seconds of absolute proof.The story was..

10 months ago

Joe Rambo@BrainStorm_Joe
Part 1) 💥
1 minute and 29 seconds of absolute proof.
The story was.. Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan with complete disregard for American soldiers lives. Let alone a gazillion dollars worth of American military equipment left behind.

Red pill. We will see how bad they have done.

If you believe for 1 second that humans held on for their dear lives to a C17 (🤣🤣17) Globemaster.. To try to escape the Taliban.. Then I have some beach front property in Utah to sell you.

So the [Q]uestion is.. Why? Who is in charge?

Gen Patton had his ghost Army. Trump has his ghost 46.
6:53 AM · Apr 7, 2024

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