Korean Practice; first vocab sheet, "beginner", Part 2.75

10 months ago

I'm reading off the list that I got here, https://keytokorean.com/grammar-blog/beginner/full-beginner-class-vocabulary-list/ , as well as adding my commentary along the way. Been here in Korea a day and it's nice being better versed in Hangeul but that was from my time in 2020 that really solidified things haha.

Had to get sleep after the last one, then a surprise walking date with a super cute Korean gal, and then trying to understand wtf happened since that was random but at least she paid for the date (I would have but it was hilarious seeing her chuck her credit card into the money slot... And so I was just being amused and didn't know how to politely just say, "how about I pay for things [since you are apparently too in love with me to think straight]?"... I hope to see her again. But I am going to get away with not knowing how to say "how about I pay for things?" for as long as they try to pay first. Why would I stop them? It's cute to watch them do what they do).

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