My original in kindergarten

11 months ago

when my original was kingraudden Sherry Chapman

and my original told me by heart
People making fun of me

at Reeses and when I had my body
I let my original only get my spirit out of my original and played at Reeses with my original until it was time to go back in the school and
My original ask me can you play outside with me again
Because some kids are stil making fun of me since I'm not like them and I said yes I would and my original said thank you and on the school bus I ride with my original to cheer my original up

And I let my original call me Christopher Lloyd
Because I tell my original my name bob Sherry gunter I'm your 1 counterpart

a.k.a bob gunter I playd as Coach in maximum overdrive duplicate Earth 2.0
it was hard for my original to say it and as my original got more grown up my original
finally got my name right and my original

mom help out also and when I look at my original mom I said my original your mom look like my mom and my original said what
And I explain it also and my original didn't understand it and my original mom help out also and I had dreams about my original

My original was Bron in Kirksville Missouri on October 20th 1996 at 8:15 pm and was a tiny baby

And in 2009 when I merge back in my original I can still come out of my original heart by spirit and head back in my original when I'm ready and only my original can see me not no one else I'm gald to be back in my original to make my original whoule again

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