PCA 2024: CAO

11 months ago

The 2024 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show marked the first time CAO was back at the Trade Show in five years. This is because the brands of General Cigar Company were back at the Trade Show for the first time since 2019. We usually strive for a theme in our booth recaps. While the return of a staple brand like CAO could be a theme in itself, this is not the case here. CAO is known for its lifestyle brands, but it has also been known for its focus on tobacco. This year, the slogan in the both was "We go where tobacco takes" and that is definitely the case with the release of the new CAO FASA blends. As a result, the tobacco around CAO FASA was the theme of CAO at PCA 2024.

PCA 2024 Report: https://wp.me/p6h1n1-smv

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