When The Rich Flourish - WHAT DO I MEAN BY "THIS ISNT REAL SOCIAL EQUITY"?l Inequality In Cannabis

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If your unfamiliar with the way things have gotten to where we now sit today, where the industry which was handed a non existent market place, existing only illegally and created in the backs of persecuted persons still in jail, and allowed to pay off states to essentially be the end all be all for the legislation.
Mackie Barch owner of Culta Even Admitted this in an interview on my Locals, paraphrasing, if you aren't involved in lobbying your not going to be involved. in other words, unless.your a millionaire, sit down, the big dogs are playing. only they're not the big dogs.
Theyre rich white boys with money..... it's an absolute farce that this market.is deemed a social equity market and a liscence costs $50,000. which disproportionately effected people have 59k to drop. there was 1500 applicants, over $ 9,000,000 just in fees to enter the lottery to participate in griwing on scale and selling.
over 200 people paid their $1-$5,000 fee and were turned away for not meeting the standards, like not enough DEI. rhetoric or not enough showing how your performance will include DEI. yet the Industrial side was found to be cheating giving white owned companies tick marks for them on DEI notes, a woman was sued for changing the paperwork and successfully sued.... yet were supposed to believe the 75% white owned Maryland industrial market, that's social equity?

and People misunderstand this as an argument for social equity .... no .... I'm telling you that this is what they call that, and it isn't. Not at all. this is Racism, period. Saying Blacks need to be involved in cannabis and focusing on blacks, when 10 years to make that inference was a racist remark. The State didn't even use legit stats, they used all crimes.involving cannabis, so OFCOURSE Garrett County isn't included and ALLEGHANY County is, that alone should suffice to show the absurdity of this approach.

I just want my people to be able to grow, all people, to be able to sell, and make their profit, the state makes theirs, industry is making theirs, yet Marylanders, especially those not grabbed up in the initial hiring who are TRUELY gifted in this field are having an industry which many of them. helped.maintain even if it was illegally, some created the genetics used by these companies, run over them for the sake of earning a billion dollar revenue.

The money isn't tracked, so how is it fair that an interstate Industrial venture gets to tell Marylanders what to do with their marketplace? serious questions.

advoc8 always
meduc8 Daily



Don't break the law while your breaking the law

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