Cicadas, Black-Hole-Sun, Brainchipped Goyim, Red Cows, Devils Comet...

10 months ago

Salem, Nineveh, Little Egypt under the Agenda2030 Eclipses, etc., etc.,

It is all just fluff to boggle the minds to ignore the Freemasons sabotaging Western Civilization.
The secret societies are in a brainchip-hivemind army of thUgs since 2020.
The gangstalkers implanted with brainchips since 2003 will be turned into brainchipzombies and assassin bio-robots remote-controlled by ancient thUgs, Freemasons and other Luciferian thUgs... The brainchipped-sleepers will be taken-over analogous to "The Matrix" where an "Agent" of Ai(an uploaded Luciferian) takes-over a blue-pill person in the metaverse-model.

As an extra... get your local flat earther to explain why the eclipse totality is not world-wide totality... you will convert him back to a globe Earth or expose that corruption.

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