April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse End of the World Biblical Perspective

9 months ago

April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse End of the World Biblical Perspective. So lets talk about the Solar Eclipse happening tomorrow on April 8th 2024. We are going to look at what others are saying about it. A lot of questions are being brought up in the Christian community about this matter. Is this Gods judgement? Is this a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? Is this the end of the world? Jim Starley from Passion for Truth Ministries video went viral this week on his prophecy concerning the solar eclipse. Then Remnant Radio and Nelson Walters jumped in on it. We are going to discuss the prophetic perspective of all of their views. And than take a look at what the bible has to say about signs and wonders in the heavens. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth that either fully or partially blocks the Sun’s light in some areas. We have too much fear and paranoia in the charismatic community. And too many silly prophecies. Too much doom and gloom that leaves people heavy and more burdened during these difficult times. And a majority of the end times prophecies in my life have been wrong (Barcodes, Y2K, The Vaccine being the mark of the beast, etc). Then you have all these prophetic people using numerology and the Hebraic calendar to come up with all these crazy conspiracy theories. So is the solar eclipse a prophetic sign? Well God can speak through signs in the heavens. Jesus ministry was confirmed by signs in the heavens. Christians can pay attention to astronomy but we shouldn't be involved with astrology. We shouldn't ignore these signs in the heavens. But we should get paranoid and try to make a sign out of everything. Considering we have two earthquakes this week i think it would be foolish to ignore what is going on in the world. Its best if we bring everything before the lord and ask him if he wants to show us anything in his word or by his spirit. We should have the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other as Richard Foster says. But no matter what happens on April 8th Solar Eclipse we do not have to be afraid because the lord is with us.

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